- Safe for both sexes
- Almost painless
- Requires no down time
- Fast
- Safe for your skin
The results you experience from laser hair removal are effective and have been life changing for many people. If you have unwanted hair, consider laser hair removal in Newport Beach to improve your skin tone.
Laser hair removal can reduce the frequency of painful tweezing, hot wax treatments, depilatories and shaving. With laser hair removal in Newport Beach, you can reduce unsightly hair for skin that is smooth and free of stubble. Prior to laser hair removal the area to be treated will be trimmed so that the hair is a few millimeters above the surface of your skin.
The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the hair’s color, location and your skin type. During the laser hair removal you will wear protective eye covers. The outer layers of your skin will be kept cool by a special cooling mechanism on the laser. This will facilitate your comfort during the procedure.
Following the treatment, which may take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, and depending on how large an area is being treated, you will be prescribed anti-inflammatory lotions or creams and/or pain medicine to alleviate any discomfort.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
In laser hair removal treatments, a laser is used to emit pulses of light that are absorbed by the pigment in your hair follicles. These pulses of light destroy the hair within the follicle. Because the laser is able to target the beams of highly concentrated light, the hair follicles are destroyed without damage to the skin surrounding the unwanted hair.
Your body has millions of hair follicles and they all cycle through different growth phases. The OmniMax laser we use at Newport Beach treats only those follicles that are in the active phase, so this means you will need more than one treatment in order to zap the unwanted hairs as they come into their growth cycle. We don’t all experience the same amount of time between hair follicle growth cycles, so your laser hair removal treatments will be tailored to your specific hair growth pattern.
Q: How many treatments are needed to permanently remove unwanted hair?
A: Anywhere from 6 to 8 treatments can reduce the amount of hair produced.
Q: How should you prepare for laser hair removal?
A: Stay out of the sun and avoid plucking, tweezing, electrolysis and waxing. Shaving is permitted. In some instances we may have patients shave prior to treatments.
Q: What can you expect after laser hair removal?
A: Temporary skin irritation and redness is common following laser hair removal in Newport Beach. These minor side effects usually disappear in a matter of hours to days. The irritation and redness can be reduced by avoiding sunlight after treatments.