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One of the most common questions that we receive from patients in consultation, is “Can I have my breast reconstructed after a lumpectomy and radiation therapy?”. The answer to this question is “yes”. However, the degree to which breast tissue can be rearranged might be limited, but there are definitely options. 

Radiation tends to cause capsular contracture when an implant has been placed for reconstruction. Whenever an implant is placed in the body, the body tends to form a lining around the implant. In some people this lining stays completely soft and in other patients the lining starts to thicken and become hard. When the lining contracts, it tends to exert a force on the implant, when the implant is beneath the muscle it tends to displace the implant superiorly where there is less resistance beneath the muscle than down against the breast fold. Patients may experience a tightness or pulling on the chest where the implant pulls against the pectoralis, the ribs, and the intercostal muscles.  

Removing the implant-removes this variable from the capsular contracture equation and can often alleviate the tightness. The remaining breast tissue can be rearranged to create an aesthetic breast mound. The radiated breast is often in a higher position than the non-radiated breast. The non radiated breast is then lifted to match the radiated side.  
