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Removal of Bilateral Implants and Mastopexy, A Step-Wise Sequence to Mastectomy.

Removal of Bilateral Implants and Mastopexy, A Step-Wise Sequence to Mastectomy.

There are many different ways to successfully treat or prevent breast cancer in genetically susceptible individuals. In some patients, one of the first steps is to create the best possible shape of the breast for a future mastectomy. In some patients, implants are removed and a mastopexy is performed to place the nipple areola complex in a higher and more…

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Left Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap to Reconstruct the Breasts when Implants are not an Option

Left Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap to Reconstruct the Breasts when Implants are not an Option

After mastectomy, the breast can be reconstructed with implants or with the patient’s own tissue. When we reconstruct the breast with the patient’s own tissue, we use the term autologous breast reconstruction. Reconstruction with the patient’s own tissue is helpful in cases where radiation was required after mastectomy or in situations where implants became infected at any time after a…

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Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects. Healing Phases and Early Post-Operative Results.

Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects. Healing Phases and Early Post-Operative Results.

When patients choose to undergo lumpectomy and when the cancer resides outside of the standard Wise mastopexy pattern, the pattern is sometimes adjusted to remove the skin above the tumor. This will help the oncologic surgeon remove the skin above the tumor and help to clear the anterior margin. When the incisions are sutured closed the final suture placed is…

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Capsular Contracture Surgery Staged Reconstruction

Capsular Contracture Surgery Staged Reconstruction

Capsular contracture can be a challenging problem for patients and surgeons. Often correcting a chronic capsular contracture may require a staged procedure to most effectively treat the problem. When a capsular contracture is recurrent, it is often best to remove the implants for approximately one year prior to placing the implants back into position. Removing the mammary prosthesis and changing…

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Central Lumpectomy and Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects and Removal of Implants

Central Lumpectomy and Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects and Removal of Implants

When tumors are close to the nipple areola complex the nipple is often removed at the time of the lumpectomy to clear the anterior margin. When mammary prosthesis are in place, often the mammary prosthesis can be removed at the time of the lumpectomy procedure. Patients often choose to have their implants removed at the time of lumpectomy as they…

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Free-fibula flap reconstruction of pathologic mandibular fractures

Pathologic fractures of the mandible following tumor excision and radiation can be challenging to correct. These fractures are often best definitively treated with free fibula flap reconstruction of the mandibular defect with careful attention to the patients occlusion. More specific information to step-by-step reconstruction of these challenging defects can be read by clicking on this link.

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