Abdominoplasty is the medical term for a “tummy tuck”. Frequently women come to our office as they find it nearly impossible to restore the contour to their abdomen that they once had despite strict diet and exercise. After the delivery of several children, the rectus abdominus muscles and fascia of the abdominal wall become lax. When this occurs, despite women performing numerous hours of sit-ups in the gym, the abdominal contour can not be restored because the rectus muscles are no longer in correct alignment.

An abdominoplasty of varying degrees can be performed depending upon the amount of fat that needs to be removed, the amount of skin that needs to be removed, or the amount of muscle or fascia tightening that needs to be performed. One of the most effective techniques performed during the abdominoplasty is repair of the rectus diastasis or separation of the rectus abdominus muscles. This procedure effectively reduces their abdominal domain and tightens the abdomen.Traditionally, women are encouraged to maximize their weight loss through cardiovascular and weight training exercise prior to surgery.
Post-operatively patients stay over one night in an aftercare facility. The medication and exercise regimens that I use post-operatively are described below.
1. Emend 40 mg by mouth mourning of surgery to prevent nausea.
2. Toradol 20 mg by mouth x 1, then 10 mg by mouth four times per day x 3 days.3.
Percocet 5/325 by mouth every 4-6 hours as needed for pain.4.
Keflex 500 mg by mouth four times per day. (Antibiotic)
Post-Operative Exercise Regimen:
1. First week post-operatively. Walking only.
2. Second week post-operatively. Walking only.
3. Third week post-operatively. Stationary Exercise Bicycle.
4. Fourth week post-operatively. Stationary Exercise Bicycle.
5. Fifth week post-operatively. Upper Body Exercises.
6. Six week post-operatively. Lower Body Exercises. (No Squats)
7. After six weeks patients have unrestricted return to exercise.