There are several decisions that come into account when performing an abdominoplasty operation. One is the quality of the skin on the abdominal wall and how much skin can be removed. This will sometimes determine the location of the lower abdominal skin incision and also whether or not the previous belly button opening can be excised. With significant amount of lower abdominal laxity the previous belly button location can be completed excised and the patient will have a resulting lower abdominal transverse scar. The new “belly button” is simply the old belly button that is delivered in a new position through the abdominal skin. Proper belly button design and care with closure and help improve the post-operative belly button appearance.

About Brian Dickinson
Dr. Dickinson is a Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon operating out of Newport Beach, California. He believes that the reconstructive and aesthetic surgical principles appropriately complement each other and share's his techniques and advice freely.
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