Bilateral mastectomy is a common procedure to treat breast cancer. Occasionally, if a patient has breast cancer in one breast, they may opt to undergo a prophylactic mastectomy on the other breast. In a patient who has breast ptosis or a droopy breast, it may be difficult to try to spare the nipple areola complex. In patient with ptotic breasts,…
The lower face and neck lift is a common procedure to restore a more youthful appearance to the face. In the neck common reasons for facial aging can be excess skin, muscle laxity, or excess fat. To improve the appearance of the neck or to restore a more youthful appearance to the neck one or all three of these components…
Breast cancer can be successfully treated with lumpectomy and oncoplastic reconstruction. Lumpectomy is often accompanied with radiation therapy that begins six weeks after surgery. Radiation is tolerated differently in patients who have undergone mastectomy and those who have undergone lumpectomy. The lumpectomy skin has much better blood supply than the mastectomy blood supply. The photograph demonstrates before and after right…
The lower face and neck is one of the earliest regions of the face to display facial aging. The lower face and neck can be addressed with a lower face and neck lift. In a lower face and neck lift an incision is made beneath the chin and then along each hairline. In order to address the aging neck, one…
Breast caner can be successfully treated with lumpectomy, radiation, and oncoplastic reconstruction. When genetic testing such as BRCA-1 is negative and when tumors are “smaller” relative to the size of the breast, breast cancer and the reconstruction can be accomplished with lumpectomy and radiation. In lumpectomy and oncoplastic reconstruction, the skin over the tumor is often removed to clear the…
Breast augmentation is a common procedure to enhance the appearance or the volume of the breast. Typically, in consultation for breast augmentation, we encourage women to select the smallest implant that will make you happy. Breast implants that match the tissue characteristics of the patient can yield results that are long lasting and with fewer complications. The photograph demonstrates over…