Breast implants are common procedures and there are various incision choices that people can choose to have their breast implants placed. Each incision choice has different pros and cons. There are three common choices periareolar, inframammary crease, and transaxillary.
Breast augmentations are common procedures. One of the more common questions patients ask is which one is the best incision choice. There are three common options to place the breast implant. The breast implant can be placed through a periareolar incision (through the areola), an infra-mammary crease incision (breast crease), or the transaxillary (armpit) incision. There are several different benefits…
Lower blepharoplasty is a common procedure for young patients to improve the appearance of their face. Patients who present for lower blepharoplasty may not need a neck lift or facelift, but will gain significant improvement for a more youthful look or a more rested look. The satisfaction rate from blepharoplasty surgery is quite high and is associated with a quick…
Facelift surgery can be particlarly rewarding for both the patient and physician. Frequently, I notice a youthful change in the appearance of the eyes without a single procedure being done to either the upper or lower eyelid. I attribute this change to the repositioning of the cheek fat pad or malar fat pad back to the normal anatomical…
While I enjoy all aspects of Plastic & Reconstructive surgery, facelift surgery is particularly enjoyable to me and one of my favorite operations. Rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelids is paramount to restoring a youthful appearance to the face. As the face ages, the brow descends and skin accumulates around the upper lid and fat begins to herniate through…
Facelift surgery is enjoyable for me from both a technical standpoint as well as the individuality of each case as it pertains to the patient. Some women require the lower third of the face to be addressed, others the midface, and some the brow and eyelids. I enjoy the CO2 LASERS as an adjunct in many aspects facial rejuvenation.…
The deep plane facelift is a technique that can be used in conjunction with an upper and lower blepharoplasty as well as a coronal brow lift.While the deep plane facelift affords excellent correction of the nasolabial folds, jowls, and neck, I have found that the aperture of the upper eyelids can yield a significant positive impact on the aesthetic result…
Patients frequently come to consultation asking whether or not they need a facelift, necklift, lower facelift, full facelift, etc. It is important to individualize each facial rejuvenation operative plan depending on the desires of the patient as well as the surgeon identifying those objective indicators of aging that can be corrected with surgery or another non-surgical modality. For example, the…