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Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation is a common procedure in the spring and summer months. They take approximately 4-6 weeks to recover from before one can continue with strenuous physical activity. The most important time in breast augmentation recovery is the first two weeks following surgery. Patients often begin to feel good after one week of breast augmentation and choose to perform in…

Tuberous Breast Reconstruction

Tuberous Breast Reconstruction

Tuberous breasts are a result of a congenital abnormality of the breasts. The condition is common among breast augmentation patients. Tuberous breasts are not simply small or underdeveloped breasts, but also include characteristics that include: enlarged, puffy areola, unusually wide spacing between the breasts, minimal breast tissue, sagging, higher than normal breast fold and narrow base at the chest wall.…

Breast Augmentation Reasons

Breast Augmentation Reasons

There are many reasons why patients may wish to undergo breast augmentation. One reason is to increase the size of their breasts. Another reason is to improve the shape of their breasts. Often, after breastfeeding, patients may have a significant change in the shape of their breasts as their breasts lose volume and change shape. Breast augmentation can improve the…

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Trauma to the nose can cause significant deformity in the nasal bridge and dorsum. Often times, patients may have had trauma to the nose as a child and/or repeated trauma. Often time cartilage from the rib is needed to reinforce and provide support to the nose or to make it appear more attractive.  

Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy

Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy

Breast reconstruction following mastectomy is very common. Breast reconstruction often has a better result when the nipple areola complex is preserved. In patients who do not have a ptotic breast, the mastectomy can often be performed from an infra-mammary incision. At the time of the mastectomy, a tissue expander is placed. After the skin has healed the expander is removed…

Removal and Replacement

Removal and Replacement

Removal and replacement of breast implants can be common. One of the more common reasons that a person would want to change the breast implant is to change from a saline implant to a silicone implant. While both implants can produce excellent results, over time the saline implant may lose volume and the inherent rippling to all implants may become…