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Lower Face and Neck Lift Surgery

Lower Face and Neck Lift Surgery

The lower face and neck lift is an effective procedure to rejuvenate the appearance of the neck.  Patients have neck redundancy because of excess skin, lax platysma muscle, or excess fat of the neck. The lower face and neck lift can address all three of these and improve the appearance of the neck.

Capsular Contracture and Radiation Post Lumpectomy.

Capsular Contracture and Radiation Post Lumpectomy.

Breast cancer is often treated with lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Without an implant, lumpectomy and radiation is often tolerated very well. When an implant is positioned in the radiated pocket, there is a higher incidence of capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is an exaggerated response of the body’s healing system. When an implant is placed in the body, a lining or…

Breast Augmentation for Breast Symmetry

Breast Augmentation for Breast Symmetry

There are many reasons that patients request breast augmentation. One of the more common reasons that patients request breast augmentation is to help correct breast asymmetry. Congenital heart defects are repaired via median sternotomy incisions and often through subcostal incisions. These incisions can impair the blood supply to the developing breast and can affect overall breast growth and symmetry. Silicone…

Running. Keep the body moving.

Running. Keep the body moving.

Build muscle through lifting weights. Larger muscle groups such as your legs as well as the core musculature (rectus abdominus, external obliques, internal obliques, transversus abdominis) are muscles with large surface area. Strengthen and utilize these muscles to increase your basic metabolic rate. Doing cardiovascular exercises such as running, biking, rowing ergometer can increase your cardiovascular health. Performing these activities…

Facelift Marvel: The Recent Boom in Its Trend

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure. It helps to make the face look younger. As a result of applying this technique, the face gets a youthful appearance. The surgery takes out the excess skin., fat, or tightens muscles. Others get facelifts to improve on whatever they consider to be producing an aged appearance to their face. The procedure has turned…

Face Beauty Essentials

Face beauty is a vital part of our personality. It often defines first impressions. Many people strive to enhance their facial features. They seek methods to look more attractive. Both natural and artificial techniques are popular. Beauty standards vary across cultures. But the desire to look good is universal. This article explores different ways to enhance face beauty. We will…

Lower Face & Neck Lift

Lower Face & Neck Lift

The neck is often one of the first places to show facial aging. This facial aging affects both women and men and is frustrating equally to both. The lower face and neck lift can help restore a younger appearance to the face. The lower face and neck lift is performed under a general anesthesia and patients stay over one night…