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Lumpectomy and Oncoplastic Reconstruction

Lumpectomy and Oncoplastic Reconstruction

Breast caner can be successfully treated with lumpectomy, radiation, and oncoplastic reconstruction. When genetic testing such as BRCA-1 is negative and when tumors are “smaller” relative to the size of the breast, breast cancer and the reconstruction can be accomplished with lumpectomy and radiation.  In lumpectomy and oncoplastic reconstruction, the skin over the tumor is often removed to clear the…

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Breast Augmentation Longevity and Implant Volume. Breast Augmentation Greater than One Decade Follow-Up

Breast Augmentation Longevity and Implant Volume. Breast Augmentation Greater than One Decade Follow-Up

Breast augmentation is a common procedure to enhance the appearance or the volume of the breast. Typically, in consultation for breast augmentation, we encourage women to select the smallest implant that will make you happy. Breast implants that match the tissue characteristics of the patient can yield results that are long lasting and with fewer complications. The photograph demonstrates over…

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Posterior Trunk Body Lift Early Post-Operative Results

Posterior Trunk Body Lift Early Post-Operative Results

The posterior trunk or posterior body lift is one of the most effective tools for body contouring. This procedure is usually performed after an abdominoplasty on the anterior aspect of the trunk. These are common procedures for people who have lost a significant amount of weight from diet and exercise, weight loss bariatric surgery, or weight loss medications.  The photograph…

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