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Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Breast Cancer Lumpectomy Defects.

Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Breast Cancer Lumpectomy Defects.

There are many different ways to reconstruct the breast following lumpectomy. Oncoplastic reconstruction of lumpectomy defects can provide excellent exposure for the oncologic breast surgeon to perform a lumpectomy and it can also allow the breast to be reconstructed in an aesthetic fashion. The mastopexy or breast lift component of the reconstruction can make a more compact target for radiation…

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Secondary Mastopexy Augmentation

Secondary Mastopexy Augmentation

Secondary mastopexy augmentation is when a mastopexy augmentation is performed in a previously augmented or operated breast. In these patients it is important to take significant attention to the previous plane of the implant and previous incisions to be able to discern the remaining blood supply to the breast.  In the secondary mastopexy augmentation it is quite common to perform…

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Abdominoplasty. Body Contouring Principles

Abdominoplasty is the medical term for a “tummy tuck”. Frequently women come to our office as they find it nearly impossible to restore the contour to their abdomen that they once had despite strict diet and exercise. After the delivery of several children, the rectus abdominus muscles and fascia of the abdominal wall become lax. When this occurs, despite women…

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