In a world where appearance holds significance, some people opt for surgery to feel better about themselves. Nose jobs go beyond just changing your look; they aim to boost your positivity. This article serves as a friendly guide, breaking down the basics of cosmetic surgery, especially nose jobs, simplifying the process, and highlighting its potential impact on self-perception. Whether…

Rhinoplasty procedures are common procedures in the United States. Occasionally after rhinoplasty procedures, the position of the nasal tip or columellar-labial angle can inadvertently increase. This can often create a nose that is too up-turned on profile view. Patients often will state that they dislike the way the inside of the nose can be seen on frontal view. Correcting the position…

An overprojecting nose is a common reason people come to our Newport Beach office seeking out Rhinoplasty. Typically, their complaint is that their nose sticks out too far from their face or their nose is too big for their face. Occasionally, the development of an overly projecting nose can occur from a previous rhinoplasty. One common sequela of trying to…