351 Hospital Rd #415 Newport Beach, CA 92663
Call Us (949) 612-8632

Breast caner can be successfully treated with lumpectomy, radiation, and oncoplastic reconstruction. When genetic testing such as BRCA-1 is negative and when tumors are “smaller” relative to the size of the breast, breast cancer and the reconstruction can be accomplished with lumpectomy and radiation. 

In lumpectomy and oncoplastic reconstruction, the skin over the tumor is often removed to clear the anterior margin. Once the lumpectomy is complete, skin and or breast tissue is rearranged over the lumpectomy defect to close any resulting dead space without compromising the remaining blood supply to the breast. 

Radiation is started at roughly 6-8 weeks post lumpectomy. Any changes to be made to the reconstructed breast need to be performed one year after radiation to allow the skin to appropriately heal before any additional surgery. 

The photograph demonstrates before and after right breast lumpectomy and oncoplastic reconstruction of the lumpectomy defect. The right breast has been radiated and the results shown are approximately one year after surgery and radiation therapy. 
