Rhinoplasty healing takes several months to years to reach the final result. While patients can often appreciate their side profile result within a few weeks after surgery, it takes at least one year for the subtle contours to appear on the nose. The initial changes in rhinoplasty swelling occur in about 6-8 weeks post rhinoplasty and then monthly up to one year or 18 months. During this time the nasal swelling may change periodically depending upon environmental and behavior factors. Salt intake, airline flights, exercise, and other physical activity may slightly increase the degree of nasal swelling. We encourage physical activity after two weeks post rhinoplasty and ask that patients be patient during the healing process as it will take time to appreciate the complete healing process. The photograph depicts a profile post rhinoplasty at 6 weeks and then again at approximately 18 months.

About Brian Dickinson
Dr. Dickinson is a Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon operating out of Newport Beach, California. He believes that the reconstructive and aesthetic surgical principles appropriately complement each other and share's his techniques and advice freely.
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