Tuberous breast deformity is a common breast deformity. In the tuberous breast deformity, the breast base is constricted. The inframamary fold is high riding.

Tuberous breast deformity is a common breast deformity. In the tuberous breast deformity, the breast base is constricted. The inframamary fold is high riding.
When discussing breast augmentation with fitness models and body builders, there is often debate regarding the placement of an implant above or below the muscle. I often tell patients that either location is perfectly fine. What determines whether the implant is best placed above or below the muscle is how much soft tissue coverage the patient has in the upper…
Patients often have questions after surgery on how to best manage their scars after a breast augmentation surgery. I typically tell patients that for the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, just let your body heal. Steri-strips are typically placed on the incision for two to three weeks. After three weeks the steri-strips are removed. It is important not to put…
There are three different incision choices for placing the breast implant. The implant can be placed through the breast crease, through the areola, or through the armpit. Each incision choice has different advantages. The armpit is a great choice, although I tell patients that this is best if patients have relatively symmetric breasts that don’t require changes to the base…
Breast augmentation is a popular procedure with a high rate of satisfaction. There are many different implant sizes that can produce a great result for each patient. I find that often a more natural result can be the best and most satisfying for the patient. The natural look often allows a breast augmentation to be concealed well in clothes by…
Breast augmentation is a common procedure with a high degree of satisfaction. Patients often wish to undergo breast augmentation in the spring and summer months so that they are ready for summer. One of the more important measurements when preparing for a breast augmentation is to measure the base diameter of the breast. Once the base diameter of the breast…
It is common for patients who have had implants in for a long period of time to eventually want their implants removed. Patients often wonder, if they have their implants removed, will their breast be in a lower position. The best way to determine that is based on the degree or preoperative ptosis to the breast. If the breast is…
Women are frequently presenting in my Newport Beach office desiring a revision of their breast augmentation from 8 to 10 years prior. These women have had saline breast implants in for almost ten years and now want to exchange their saline breast implants for silicone breast implants. Often, women who have had larger implants and now want to downsize desire to have…
I have been using the Keller Funnel routinely for my periareolar and transaxillary breast augmentation cases. The Keller Funnel allows me to deliver larger implants through a smaller incision without traumatizing the breast implant, the skin, or having the breast implant come into contact with the skin. I believe strongly that this “no touch technique delivery system” can help reduce…