351 Hospital Rd #415 Newport Beach, CA 92663
Call Us (949) 612-8632

Gynecomastia is the development of swollen male breast tissue that can be painful or painless. Gynecomastia can often occur in adolescent males or in males in their 18-20s. In these age groups gynecomastia can be particularly disturbing socially. Not only can these patients be self-conscious with their shirts off but also the breast tissue can often be seen through a T-shirt and can be disturbing as well. Suction lipectomy or liposuction of the breast tissue can be extremely helpful at improving the overall contour of the chest. The operation is performed under a general anesthesia in addition to a long-acting local anesthetic that is injected at the end of the procedure. The satisfaction rate is generally quite high with this procedure.

Liposuction for Gynecomastia

What often gives me the greatest satisfaction when I see patients in follow-up is that the surgery, the health education, or our interaction has had a positive effect on the patients overall healh and well-being. While the gynecomastia has improved. the patient has gotten significantly leaner. The overall improvement is physique is the result of the patients own discipline as it applies to diet and nutrition. The weight loss secondary to diet and nutrition demonstrates excellent discipline and dedication. Once a person has mastered the discipline and dedication of weight loss, the same principles can be applied to any other aspect of life to promote successful outcomes.

Liposuction for Gynecomastia

Seeing weight loss, muscle gain, or overall improvement in health in our patients is one of the things that makes me extremely happy. While positive surgical outcomes are great, being able to have an impact on the patient’s overall well-being has an even greater effect on their entire life.


