Breast cancer can often be successfully treated with lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Often as part of mastectomy or lumpectomy reconstruction patients will get either a nipple areola complex tattoo or pattern tattoo placed on the breast. Pink ribbons, vines, flowers, etc. are often excellent patterns that can be placed to complete a reconstruction or conceal incisions. The photograph demonstrates before…
One of the more common questions that comes up during a mastectomy reconstruction– “Should I save my nipple or should I have it removed during the mastectomy”. There are oncologic, anatomic, aesthetic, and psychological reasons to remove the nipple areola complex. It is important to understand that after a mastectomy the nipple will not have sensation and will not function…
The lower face and neck lift is a powerful tool to help restore patients to their more youthful and natural appearance. The lower face and neck lift take approximately one year or 18 months to fully heal and soften in appearance. The photograph demonstrates before and after one-year lower face and neck lift surgery. We try to take a significant…
Facial deformities secondary to trauma can be challenging to repair. Occasionally, even unsuspecting events in life can change the shape of the lips and mouth. Fillers injected into the lips can occasionally cause reactions that stretch the vermilion border of the lip, body, or the wet/dry mucosa. The photograph demonstrates before and after lip reconstruction after mucosal excision and advancement…
The Lower Face and Neck-lift can significantly rejuvenate the appearance of the face. Total healing time for the lower face and neck lift, or any surgery for that matter, takes one year to 18 months to completely heal or settle. When we perform the lower face and neck lift, we try to spend significant time on the incision placement and…
The lower face and neck lift procedure can be extremely rewarding for the patient and the surgeon. Patients with redundant neck skin typically elevate their chin to prevent neck skin sagging which often corrects with a lower face and neck lift. In patients who have undergone previous facelift surgery, the earlobes may be attached. In some patients we can detach…