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Lower Back Liposuction in Female Athletes. Liposuction of Flanks, Abdomen, Back, and Bra Fat-Circumferential Liposuction

Liposuction is a common aesthetic procedure. We are all born with deposits of fat that are much more difficult to get rid of than in other areas of our body. Women athletes are quite a disciplined group of individuals who inspire me. Women athletes not only have very busy careers, but also seem to find time to raise a family…

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Inner and Outer Thigh Liposuction.

One of the more powerful liposuction tools is inner and outer thigh liposuction. Liposuction is best for patients who have localized deposits of fat on their body that don’t seem to respond as well to diet and exercise. These recalcitrant areas or regions of the body seem to contain excess fat no matter how hard we work in the gym…

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Liposuction of the Arms and Bra Fat

Frequently women come to the office for consultation and say, “Dr. Dickinson, no matter how hard I exercise, the fat on the back of my upper arm and bra line persists. I become self-conscious of this when I wear a bikini or strapless dress. Can liposuction help?” Liposuction of the upper arm and bra fat can be very rewarding to…

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Abdominoplasty in Male Patients

Abdominoplasty is a common procedure in both male and female patients.  The satisfaction rate is extremely high after an abdominoplasty. We recommend that patients eat a diet that is high in protein for 4-6 weeks prior to surgery and for 4-6 weeks after surgery. This high protein diet can ensure that there are enough protein stores for collagen synthesis and…

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Removal of Bilateral Mammary Prosthesis and Bilateral Mastopexy

Removal of breast implants is a very common procedure. There are many women who have had breast implants in for a long period of time and who would like to have their implants removed. As patients reach 40’s and 50’s it is quite common for patients to want to participate in yoga, pilates, or other excercises that require more mobility…

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