Abdominoplasty procedures are commonly performed to tighten up the abdominal wall. Typically after multiple pregnancies, women have developed a laxity of the abdominal wall that can not be improved with diet and exercise. Any underlying hernias are repaired at the same time that the abdominal wall is repaired. Repair of the abdominal wall is accomplished with plication sutures that…
Abdominoplasty procedures are common operations. Patients who present for abdominoplasty procedures often have laxity of their abdominal wall from childbirth as well as lax abdominal wall skin. During an abdominoplasty operation, the lower abdominal skin is excised, the rectus muscles are repaired in the midline of the abdomen, and the umbilicus is then delivered through a new location in…
Abdominoplasty is one of the more commonly performed cosmetic operations in our practice. There is a high satisfaction rate in patients who have undergone this procedure. The abdominoplasty procedure lasts approximately 3 hours. The procedure is performed under a general anesthetic, so the patient does not see, hear, or feel anything during the procedure. A long acting local anesthetic is…
Patients often request abdominoplasty procedures after they have delivered several children. After childbirth, the muscles of the abdominal wall are stretched out. Patients often state, that no matter how many sit-ups they do, they can just never improve the contour of their lower abdomen. After an abdominoplasty, the lower abdomen gains a better level of overall tension. The lower…
Abdominoplasty surgery is one of the more common procedures performed for body contouring. Typically, the scar is marked in a pre-existing crease along the abdomen. During the surgery the skin is raised off of the anterior abdominal wall and the muscle and fascia beneath the skin is recontoured. Often during this time, any hernias around the umbilicus or hernias from…
Secondary abdominoplasty is becoming a very popular part of my practice. There are many women who had abdominoplasty procedures several years ago an who did not have muscle tightening of their lower and upper abdomen to improve body contour. In addition they may have gained additional weight. I have found it very helpful in these patients, when their skin laxity…