Capsular contracture can be common in patients who have undergone breast augmentation. There are several steps that one can take to reduce the risks of capsular contracture in the future. At the time of capsular contracture surgery, we often take a culture of the fluid from the breast pocket. The fluid is sent off to the lab to determine if…
Breast augmentation procedures are common. Patients often choose to undergo breast augmentation via the periareolar approach. Patients often ask, “if I have implants placed, will this cause my areola to become wide?” Depending on the size of the implant placed, there are different forces exerted on the skin that cause the skin to stretch. The diameter of the areola may…
Breast augmentation procedures are common in Orange County. I typically tell patients that silicone breast implants can be placed through one of three incisions. They can be placed through the axilla, through the breast crease, or through the areola. The breast crease is a nice option for an incision as it keeps a visible scar of the breast and transfers…
Breast augmentation procedures are best sized by determining the base diameter of the breast. The base diameter of the breast is the distance between two points on the chest wall, one point where the breast begins medially and the other point where the breast ends laterally on the chest. Once the patient has determined the size implant they would like,…
Breast reduction surgery is a common procedure. People often choose to undergo breast reduction surgery to improve the symptoms associated with large breasts. Patients typically indicate that they have pain in their shoulders, pain in the neck, or they may complain of rashes in their breast crease. Once a patient completes their breast reduction surgery, they typically have significant improvement in their…
Breast Augmentation procedures are common in the spring and summer months. Patients often ask me what they can expect during a breast augmentation procedure. The breast augmentation procedure is performed under a general anesthetic. I tell patients that this means that they will not see anything, they will not hear anything, and they will not feel any pain during the…