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DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction, to Replace Medial Breast Skin Following Mastectomy

Breast reconstruction in the radiated patient is different than in patients who have not received radiation. Patients who have undergone lumpectomy and radiation or patients who have undergone mastectomy and then radiation typically have a tight skin envelope. At times the skin envelope may be amenable to a breast implant reconstruction. Other times, the skin envelope results in a capsular…

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Transxillary Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common procedure. There are several different incision choices when performing breast augmentation. There is a large advantage to the transaxillary incision. The transaxillary incision is well hidden in the armpit and there is no visible scar on the breast or chest wall. The transaxillary incision requires more care in the post-operative period. The armpits need to…

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Hernia Repair with Component Separation and Retro-Rectus Placement of Acellular Dermal Matrix

Hernias a common. They can occur from a defect at birth or can be from a previous surgery. The goal when repairing hernias is to restore the abdominal wall to its normal state of anatomy. Often, this coincides with normal muscle function. Hernias that protrude through the rectus muscle are often best repaired by separating the components of the rectus…

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Hernia Repair.

Abdominal Wall Hernias are common. The hernias can occur after previous surgery. Common causes of umbilical hernias are congenital defects or from previous laparoscopic surgery. Larger hernias can occur from previous incisions. Hernias can often be repaired from a lower abdominal incision. Smaller hernias can be repaired primarily by approximating the edges of the hernia. Larger hernias require release of…

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Giant Hernia Repairs & Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Abdominal wall reconstruction can be a common procedure after many different types of abdominal surgery. One of the more important components of abdominal wall reconstruction is to recreate a dynamic abdominal wall so that the musculoaponeurotic system of the trunk can serve its purpose. By bringing the rectus muscles back toward the midline of the abdomen, the intraabdominal pressure can…

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Removal and Replacement of Mammary Prosthesis

It is common for many patients to want to undergo removal and replacement of their mammary prosthesis. These patients often have had their implants in for a prolonged period of time. The incision pattern used to remove and replace the mammary prosthesis is called the Wise-pattern mastopexy. This incision pattern allows the patient to undergo a breast lift procedure as…

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Removal and Replacement of Mammary Prosthesis with Breast Lift

Breast lift procedures are common procedures. Typically, patients may have had their breast implants for several years and their breasts had dropped. Breasts may drop or sag because of breast feeding, changes in weight with either weight gain or weight loss, or simply secondary to time and gravity. The breast lift procedure involves lifting the nipple areola complex into a…

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