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Tuberous Breast

Tuberous Breast

Do I have a tuberous breast deformity? The tuberous breast has a typical constellation of recognizable features. The breast base is usually restricted. The areola is wide and there is often a herniation of breast tissue through the areola. The breast is often hypoplastic to various degrees. How is a the tuberous breast deformity corrected? Tuberous breast deformity is best…

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The Periareolar Incision

The Periareolar Incision

Where will the periareolar incision be placed and what will the scar look like? Everyone will have a scar, but how visible the scar is depends on several factors. The periareolar incision is typically placed on the inferior (bottom) half of the areola. The areola tends to be a relatively privileged area for scarring. That is, it is rare for…

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Breast Reconstruction following Mastectomy with Tissue Expander and Implant Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction following Mastectomy with Tissue Expander and Implant Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction following mastectomy is a common procedure. When the breast is ptotic, I often find that patient will do better when the resulting skin pattern is in the form of a Wise pattern. The Wise pattern allows the removal of ptotic skin and creates a skin envelope for an aesthetically pleasing breast. Tissue expander placement beneath the muscle entirely…

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DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

DIEP flap breast reconstruction is commonly used to reconstruct the breasts following mastectomy. When performing DIEP flap breast reconstruction, the lower abdominal tissue is used to replace the breast tissue and/or skin that have been removed. In patients who have ptotic breasts, or breasts in which there is a long sternal notch to nipple distance then the mastectomy may be…

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