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Facelift. Deep Plane Facelift.

Facelift. Deep Plane Facelift.

I enjoy all of the different types of facelift techniques that I have learned. My preferred facelift technique is the deep plane technique. Which technique I perform depends upon the presence of jowling, the heaviness of the neck, and the depth of the nasolabial fold. I find that a significant amount of youth can be restored to the face with…

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Facelift. Male Necklift

Facelift. Male Necklift

Traditionally as male individuals age, the greatest signs of aging occur in the neck. Males often do not have deepening of the nasolabial fold as seen in females. Therefore, I often find the best way to rejuvenate the face in males is to address the neck. This can be done with the same incision as seen in female patients to…

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