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Facial Asymmetries Make People Beautiful! – Narrowing the Nasal Tip and Middle Third of the Nose

Facial Asymmetries Make People Beautiful! – Narrowing the Nasal Tip and Middle Third of the Nose

There are many different faces in the world and different people want different things. That’s what makes the world great! Facial asymmetries are common and make people beautiful. It often gives us character. Despite these facial asymmetries making one beautiful, there are often certain aspects of the nose that people would like to change or improve upon. One is the…

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Rhinoplasty-Making a Smaller Nose

Rhinoplasty-Making a Smaller Nose

Patients frequently come to the office requesting a “smaller” nose or simply stating that their nose is “too big”. There are many different aspects of the nose that a patient may wish to reduce when they request this and there are many aspects of the nose that can be changed when a patient wants to make this change. Common areas…

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