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Are You a Breast Reduction Candidate?

Are You a Breast Reduction Candidate?

Breast reduction surgeries are some of the more satisfying procedures for both the physician and the patient. Ideal candidates for breast reduction include those who experience pain in their neck, back, or shoulders from the weight of their breasts on their chest wall. These patients also have grooving in their trapezius muscles from their bra straps and hypertrophy of their trapezius…

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The Difference between Saline and Silicone

The Difference between Saline and Silicone

There are two different types of breast implants or mammary prosthesis, saline or silicone. The outer shell of each implant is exactly the same it is composed of a silicone elastomer. What differs is what goes on the inside. The saline implant is filled by the operating surgeon with saline at the time of the augmentation. The silicone implants come pre-packaged…

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Liposuction of the Lower Back

Liposuction of the Lower Back

Liposuction of the lower back is a common procedure. Quite frequently patients will have been successful with weight loss, but may not be able to loose weight in areas with localized deposits of fat. Liposuction can be very helpful in loosing these localized fat collections.  

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