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Breast Augmentation

Secondary Breast Augmentation Procedures

Secondary Breast Augmentation Procedures

Secondary breast augmentation procedures are common. A secondary breast augmentation procedure commonly occurs when patients have had there breast implants in place for greater than 10 years. Both saline and silicone gel implants are surrounded by a silicone elastomer shell. Over time, with repeated folding, the shell can break. If a patient has saline implants, a break in the shell…

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a procedure with a high patient satisfaction rate. There are two different implant options for breast augmentation. Patients can either select from silicone or saline mammary prosthesis. Patients can have saline breast reconstruction with excellent results. 

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast implants are common procedures and there are various incision choices that people can choose to have their breast implants placed. Each incision choice has different pros and cons. There are three common choices  periareolar, inframammary crease, and transaxillary.

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Breast Augmentation: Incision Choices

Breast Augmentation: Incision Choices

Breast augmentations are common procedures. One of the more common questions patients ask is which one is the best incision choice. There are three common options to place the breast implant. The breast implant can be placed through a periareolar incision (through the areola), an infra-mammary crease incision (breast crease), or the transaxillary (armpit) incision.  There are several different benefits…

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Synmastia Repair

Synmastia Repair

Synmastia occurs when breast implants migrate to the center of the chest and cross the midline or when the two breast implant pockets join together. Correction of synmastia is challenging and often requires significant changes to the implant pocket and or change of plane of the mammary prosthesis in order to correctly re-position the breast implants on the chest wall.…

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is a common aesthetic procedure. It is a procedure with a high satisfaction rate. Typically patients who request breast augmentation wish to improve the appearance of their breasts to match the remainder of their body. There are many different incision choices that patients can choose to undergo breast augmentation. The options are the inframammary crease, periareolar, transaxillary, and…

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Secondary Mastopexy Augmentation Procedures

Secondary Mastopexy Augmentation Procedures

Patients who have breast implants schedule consultations wishing to undergo changes to their breast implants or mammary prosthesis. One common request is to downsize their breast implants. The first step is to determine their current bra size and to determine the volume of the mammary prosthesis that they have in place. Once these are determined, the patient and physician can…

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