Breast augmentation is a common procedure in the spring and summer months. They take approximately 4-6 weeks to recover from before one can continue with strenuous physical activity. The most important time in breast augmentation recovery is the first two weeks following surgery. Patients often begin to feel good after one week of breast augmentation and choose to perform in…
Tuberous breasts are a result of a congenital abnormality of the breasts. The condition is common among breast augmentation patients. Tuberous breasts are not simply small or underdeveloped breasts, but also include characteristics that include: enlarged, puffy areola, unusually wide spacing between the breasts, minimal breast tissue, sagging, higher than normal breast fold and narrow base at the chest wall.…
There are many reasons why patients may wish to undergo breast augmentation. One reason is to increase the size of their breasts. Another reason is to improve the shape of their breasts. Often, after breastfeeding, patients may have a significant change in the shape of their breasts as their breasts lose volume and change shape. Breast augmentation can improve the…
Removal and replacement of breast implants can be common. One of the more common reasons that a person would want to change the breast implant is to change from a saline implant to a silicone implant. While both implants can produce excellent results, over time the saline implant may lose volume and the inherent rippling to all implants may become…
I have been using the Keller Funnel routinely for my periareolar and transaxillary breast augmentation cases. The Keller Funnel allows me to deliver larger implants through a smaller incision without traumatizing the breast implant, the skin, or having the breast implant come into contact with the skin. I believe strongly that this “no touch technique delivery system” can help reduce…
Mastopexy augmentation procedures are common procedures. Patients who present for a mastopexy augmentation are typically patients who have had several children and have breast fed or who have lost weight for a variety of reasons. As women age, the nipple areola complex tends to drop below the level of the inframammary fold or breast crease. When the breasts sag, this…
Capsular contracture can be common in patients who have undergone breast augmentation. There are several steps that one can take to reduce the risks of capsular contracture in the future. At the time of capsular contracture surgery, we often take a culture of the fluid from the breast pocket. The fluid is sent off to the lab to determine if…
Breast augmentation procedures are common. Patients often choose to undergo breast augmentation via the periareolar approach. Patients often ask, “if I have implants placed, will this cause my areola to become wide?” Depending on the size of the implant placed, there are different forces exerted on the skin that cause the skin to stretch. The diameter of the areola may…
Breast augmentation procedures are common in Orange County. I typically tell patients that silicone breast implants can be placed through one of three incisions. They can be placed through the axilla, through the breast crease, or through the areola. The breast crease is a nice option for an incision as it keeps a visible scar of the breast and transfers…
Breast augmentation procedures are best sized by determining the base diameter of the breast. The base diameter of the breast is the distance between two points on the chest wall, one point where the breast begins medially and the other point where the breast ends laterally on the chest. Once the patient has determined the size implant they would like,…