While the neck is often a significant area of concern for many patients who present for facial rejuvenation, I find that the deep plane facelift is very effective at restoring the position of the cheek. In the youthful face, the cheek is positioned beneath the lower eyelid so that a smooth contour exists between the lower eyelid and the cheek.…
The relative position of the inferior portion of the chin to the neckline can have a significant appearance on how youthful a neck can appear. For example, to the untrained eye it may appear in the before picture that the neck would need to be tightened. In reality the chin needs to be lowered to the position of the neckline.…
Blepharoplasty is a common procedure to rejuvenate the upper eyelids. As we age, the skin on the upper eyelids accumulates and becomes lax. There is also the accumulation of fat behind the upper eyelids. A blepharoplasty procedure involves the removal of skin and fat from the upper eyelids. Typically, the incision is placed in the eyelid skin and the excess…
Rhinoplasty is a commonly performed aesthetic procedure. One of the more common reasons for wanting a rhinoplasty procedure is to correct a dorsal hump. Removing the dorsal hump and improving the nasal tip can make significant changes to face to make the face more feminine and more youthful. Satisfaction with rhinoplasty procedures are generally high. Swelling with rhinoplasty procedures takes…
Rhinoplasty is a common procedure and there are many reasons why someone would want to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure. Common reasons for desiring a rhinoplasty surgery are a dorsal hump and just as common is a drooping nasal tip. The infra-lobule region of the nose can give a heavy appearance to the nose if this area of the nose has…
Natural results are an important part of rhinoplasty procedures. There are varying degrees that a dorsal hump can be altered. While people may have certain characteristics of their nose that they would like to change, there are often aspects of their nose that they would like to preserve. Often preserving these aspects of their nose helps to keep a more…