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Abdominoplasty is an operation that can effectively help to improve the contour of the abdomen. There is a significant amount of healing and patient compliance post-operatively that is required with abdominal binders and JP drains. Protein nutrition is important and patients are instructed to consume 80-100 grams of protein daily to facilitate healing.

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Bilateral Implant Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy

Bilateral implant breast reconstruction following bilateral mastectomy is a common procedure. The aesthetic outcome of the reconstruction is often determined by the quality of the mastectomy skin and the relation of the tissue characteristics and the implant. In patients who choose to undergo implant reconstruction I often indicate that the best outcomes and most durable reconstruction are the patients who…

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Immediate Implant Reconstruction following Unilateral Mastectomy

In general implant mastectomy reconstruction takes place in two stages. At the time of the mastectomy a tissue expander is inserted beneath the pectoralis major muscle and a piece of acellular dermal matrix or Strattice is inserted to provide support to the tissue expander. There are times, albeit rare, when I proceed with immediate insertion of mammary prosthesis. Patients who…

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Split Oncoplastic Reduction of Lumpectomy Defects

Lumpectomy and radiation, either whole breast or intra-operative radiation therapy is an option for breast cancer treatment. Not only can oncoplastic reconstruction improve the appearance of the breast, it can also contour the breast to a more amenable shape and size for radiation therapy. When the breast is reconstructed into a smaller surface area, there is a smaller and more…

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Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects with Split Reduction-Early Post-Operative Results.

Breast cancers in patients with large breasts can often be successfully treated with lumpectomy. In larger breasted women, after the tumor is removed, there is still a significant amount of breast tissue available to reconstruct the breast. The standard mastopexy or lift patterns of the breast can be used to remove the tumor. On occasion, the tumor that needs to…

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Bilateral DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

DIEP Flap breast reconstruction is the reconstruction of the breast following mastectomy. DIEP flap reconstruction is a form of autologous reconstruction where the breast is reconstructed with tissue from the patients own body. In this case, the breast can be reconstructed without the use of implants. The tissue from the lower abdomen is the most common site for autologous breast…

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Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects and Breast Reduction/Mastopexy Techniques. Similar Techniques and Traditions.

Lumpectomy defects often need to be closed carefully to minimize scar contracture following radiation therapy. The reduction or mastopexy pattern actually facilitates radiation delivery as it produces a more compact target for a directed radiation beam. In general, radiation begins approximately 6 weeks after lumpectomy unless chemotherapy is to be initiated. It is important for all wounds to be healed…

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Oncoplastic Reconstruction of Lumpectomy Defects and Breast Reduction/Mastopexy Patterns

The same patterns that are used to improve the appearance of the breast can also be utilized to remove cancers in the breast. We encourage our patients to consume approximately 80-100 grams of protein per day for 4-6 weeks prior to surgery and for 4-6 weeks after surgery. The protein intake is important to facilitate wound healing. In general the…

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Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction-Normal Post-Operative Healing.

Standard breast lift patterns are used to reconstruct the breast following lumpectomy. Often the tumor will be outside of the confines of the aesthetic mastopexy patterns and the pattern is adjusted. Post-operatively, xeroform gauze and Bacitracin ointment are placed on the wound edges. The xeroform gauze is removed after two days, by the patient, in the shower. It is common…

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