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Gluteal Fat Transfer-Brazilian Butt Lift

Gluteal fat transfer is a common procedure. In gluteal fat transfer, liposuction is performed in one or several areas of the body and the harvested fat is transferred to the gluteal region. Satisfaction rate is high with the gluteal fat transfer procedure. The patients with the highest satisfaction rates are those patients who have lipodystrophy in their lower back with…

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Rhinoplasty-Correcting a Bulbous or Over-Projecting Tip

Rhinoplasty is a common procedure to correct a bulbous tip or to deproject the nose. The nose can overproject for several reasons. One reason can be an excess of the septum or an extrinsic projection, the nose can project because of lower lateral cartilage excess, or the interaction between the extrinsic and intrinsic cartilages. The nose can also overproject because…

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Facial Asymmetries Make People Beautiful! – Narrowing the Nasal Tip and Middle Third of the Nose

There are many different faces in the world and different people want different things. That’s what makes the world great! Facial asymmetries are common and make people beautiful. It often gives us character. Despite these facial asymmetries making one beautiful, there are often certain aspects of the nose that people would like to change or improve upon. One is the…

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Rhinoplasty-Making a Smaller Nose

Patients frequently come to the office requesting a “smaller” nose or simply stating that their nose is “too big”. There are many different aspects of the nose that a patient may wish to reduce when they request this and there are many aspects of the nose that can be changed when a patient wants to make this change. Common areas…

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Reconstruction of the Radiated Abdominal Wall Hernia with Component Separation and Placement of Strattice Acellular Dermal Matrix.

Abdominal wall reconstruction can be rewarding surgery for both the physician and the patient. Previous or multiple abdominal surgeries as well as radiation can effect wound healing on the abdominal wall following repair. Larger hernias can allow a significant portion of the small intestines and possibly the large intestine to herniate through the abdominal wall and into the underlying skin.…

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Component Separation and Placement of Strattice Acelluar Dermal Matrix for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Larger hernias of the abdominal wall require that the muscles of the abdominal wall be put back into their normal anatomic position. The muscles often affected by previous complex abdominal operations are the rectus abdominis, the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transversus abdominis. These muscles can be affected by previous incisions such as subcostal incisions for hepatic, pancreatic,…

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Hernia Repair and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction with Strattice Acellular Dermal Matrix

Hernias can occur commonly after major abdominal surgery. Following abdominal surgery such as liver resections, pancreatic resections, and resection of intestines patients may be protein malnourished and have difficulty healing wounds. Patients with large hernias often dislike the abdominal bulge and experience a feelin of fullness in their lower abdomen. Restoring the abdominal wall musculature back to its normal position…

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Rhinoplasty & Creating the Double Eyelid

There are several common reasons that patients undergo rhinoplasty. Common reasons tend to be the creation of a nasal bridge, rotation of the nasal tip downward to hide the appearance of the nostrils, and definition of the nasal tip.  The placement of either a temporalis fascia graft with diced cartilage or a silicone graft along the nasal dorsum can build…

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Top 2 Reasons for Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the more commonly performed procedures at our Newport Beach location.  Two popular reasons people have for changing the shape of their nose is 1) to improve the tip definition and 2) to decrease the nasal projection. Together these changes can be additive so that two small changes to the nose can significantly improve the appearance of…

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