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Left Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap to Reconstruct the Breasts when Implants are not an Option

Left Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap to Reconstruct the Breasts when Implants are not an Option

After mastectomy, the breast can be reconstructed with implants or with the patient’s own tissue. When we reconstruct the breast with the patient’s own tissue, we use the term autologous breast reconstruction. Reconstruction with the patient’s own tissue is helpful in cases where radiation was required after mastectomy or in situations where implants became infected at any time after a…

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Abdominoplasty-Making the Waist Thinner.

Abdominoplasty-Making the Waist Thinner.

One of the more common procedures performed for body contouring is the abdominoplasty. There are several reasons that a person would like to proceed with an abdominoplasty operation. Having excess skin of the lower abdomen and stretch marks is a frequent reason. Patients are often happy with the results of abdominoplasty who have excess lower abdominal skin. The other common…

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Bilateral Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap Reconstruction

Bilateral Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction following mastectomy can be performed with tissue expanders and implants. In some cases, patients do not want to have their breast reconstructed with implants and we can use the skin and fat from the abdomen to reconstruct the breast. In some patients the DIEP flap can be completed at the time of the mastectomy depending upon the size…

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