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Facelift Surgery-Lower Face and Necklift

Facelift Surgery-Lower Face and Necklift

Facelift surgery is one of my favorite surgeries to perform. In general the lower face and neck-lift operation is a procedure performed under general anesthesia to relax the muscles of the neck that are to be tightened. After the surgery the patient will stay overnight one night in the surgery center to adequately control blood pressure, pain, and nausea. There…

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a procedure with a high patient satisfaction rate. There are two different implant options for breast augmentation. Patients can either select from silicone or saline mammary prosthesis. Patients can have saline breast reconstruction with excellent results. 

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Capsular Contracture Surgery Staged Reconstruction

Capsular Contracture Surgery Staged Reconstruction

Capsular contracture can be a challenging problem for patients and surgeons. Often correcting a chronic capsular contracture may require a staged procedure to most effectively treat the problem. When a capsular contracture is recurrent, it is often best to remove the implants for approximately one year prior to placing the implants back into position. Removing the mammary prosthesis and changing…

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