351 Hospital Rd #415 Newport Beach, CA 92663
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Natural Looking Breast Augmentation

Patients often state when they come in for breast augmentation that they would like to have a natural profile and breast profile contour. The contour of the upper pole of the breast can be determined by several factors. The first factor is the amount of volume placed into the breast pocket, relative to the amount of volume that the breast…

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Breast Augmentation Sizing

The breast augmentation consultation can often bring anxiety to the patient as there are many questions to be addressed or discussed. These variables can range from topics pertaining to the patient (medical conditions, height & weight, bra size, pre-operative breast shape); surgeon (preference for above vs. below the muscle, incision choice); or implant (saline vs. silicone, smooth vs. textured, profile).…

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Breast Augmentation

Q: How long does the the breast augmentation consultation take? A: Approximately one hour.  During that time we listen to the patients’ wants and formulate an effective plan to optimize the surgical outcome. Q: Is there anything I need to do prio to surgery? A: Yes, prior to surgery patients need to see their regular medical doctor to undergo a…

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