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Hernia Repair and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Hernia Repair and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Abdominal hernias are often uncomfortable for patients. Abdominal or ventral hernias can be repaired in many different fashions. When ventral hernias or incisional hernias have been previously repaired and recur, it is often best to undergo abdominal wall reconstruction with mobilization and medialization of the abdominal muscles and component separation. The medialization of the abdominal muscles allows for the creation…

Revision Abdominoplasty

Revision Abdominoplasty

There are an increasing number of patients who present to our Newport Beach office requesting to undergo a revision abdominoplasty. Typically patients notice that they may have an abdominal scar that is placed too high or asymmetric and would like this corrected. In addition, we are seeing more patients who would like to undergo plication of their lower abdominal muscles…

Mastopexy Augmentation

Mastopexy Augmentation

Mastopexy augmentation and abdominoplasty, when performed in combination, can be quite a powerful combination for improving the overall body aesthetic. Q:What is a Mastopexy Augmentation? A: Essentially a mastopexy procedure is when a breast lift and breast augmentation are performed simultaneously to improve the size, contour and elevation of the breast. Q: What is involved in a Mastopexy Procedure? A:…

Liposuction of the Abdomen

Liposuction of the Abdomen

Liposuction in the lower abdomen is a common procedure in Newport Beach, California. It is important for patients to maintain a strict diet after liposuction procedures and to continue exercising to optimize surgical outcomes. Typically, following liposuction, patients are asked to wear an abdominal binder or compression garment for at least two to four weeks following their procedure. I find…

Liposuction and Mini Tummy Tuck

Liposuction and Mini Tummy Tuck

Liposuction of the abdomen can be a very effective tool to contour the body. It is commonly used in those areas of the body where people are unable to lose weight with diet and exercise. These areas can often be the “love handle” regions of the body, the upper abdomen, and the bra fat area of the back. Q: What…

Fat Transfer to Correct Lipo Defeats

Fat Transfer to Correct Lipo Defeats

Liposuction procedures are very common. There are different thicknesses of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in various parts of the body. The medial thigh region is an area of the body where the skin is relatively thin. It is not uncommon when liposuction is performed in these areas for the region to be overly resected of the subcutaneous fat. The…

A Powerful Combination

A Powerful Combination

Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a Tummy Tuck, involves plication of the rectus abdominis muscles, which in turn restores the external obliques, internal obliques, and transverse abdominis muscles to the midline of the abdomen. It is quite common for patients to observe an improvement not only the their abdominal contour, but also in their posture post-operatively. When breast augmentation is…

Diet Change After Abdominoplasty

Diet Change After Abdominoplasty

Typically after an abdominoplasty or “Tummy Tuck” operation, I tell my patients to ensure that their diet is high in protein. The abdominoplasty operation requires a significant amount of protein and nutritional calories to heal all the wounds well and without complications. Patients are instructed to eat 1mg/kg of body weight of protein per day. If a patient is 135…

Abdominoplasty for Stretch Marks

Abdominoplasty for Stretch Marks

An abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” operation to get rid of stretch marks usually involves three components: 1. Skin Excision 2. Myofascial Plication 3. Liposuction It is quite common after pregnancy for the muscles, fascia, and skin of the lower abdomen to stretch. Despite numerous hours of sit-ups, cruches, or time on the stair master the muscles cannot be restored to…

Abdominoplasty for Hernia Repair and Myofascial Weakness

Abdominoplasty for Hernia Repair and Myofascial Weakness

Abdominoplasty is ideal for patients who have been exercising for quite some time, but who have difficulty tightening their lower abdomen. After childbirth, the lower abdomen can become significantly loose and distended. Often times, the lower abdomen will not “tighten-up” despite sit-ups or crunches. It is quite common to see patients in our Newport Beach office who present with a…

Mini Tummy Tuck

Mini Tummy Tuck

The photograph above demonstrates before and after photographs of a patient after a “mini-tummy tuck” and liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, lower back, and bra fat. It is quite common for women to present in our Newport Beach office who have lower abdominal laxity as well as localized deposits of fat around the abdomen. Often these women do not wish…

Abdominoplasty & Scars

Abdominoplasty & Scars

Managing Supra-Umbilical Scars in Abdominoplasty Q: I’ve heard that supra-umbilical scars or “scars above the belly-button” can impair healing in abdominoplasty incisions.  Can you do anything to avoid this? A: I have found that often this problem can be circumvented by excising the abdominal scar completely. Often the midline scar can be revised and/or excised and closed, which is a…
