351 Hospital Rd #415 Newport Beach, CA 92663
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Facelift Surgery

Age Limit for Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Age Limit for Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Patients often come into the office and ask how old or how young does someone have to be to have a rejuvenation procedure performed. Patients can be almost any age to undergo facial rejuvenation. I have had patients as young as early twenties undergo some sort of rejuvenation to the neck involving minor repositioning of the vector of the platysmal…

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Facelift Surgery in Males

Facelift Surgery in Males

Facelifts in males can be extremely powerful! There are subtle modifications of the facelift technique when performed in males that allow us to maintain a masculine quality of the face while restoring a youthful appearance. Male patients tend to see significant improvements in the lower eyelids following a facelift as now the cheek is restored to it’s natural position. The…

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Facelift Surgery 3 Weeks Post Op

Facelift Surgery 3 Weeks Post Op

Facelift surgery is one of the most rewarding surgeries for both the patient and the surgeon. I find that the goal of facelift surgery is to restore the patient to a younger version of themselves. This goal should be accomplished while also avoiding a “done” appearance to the face. The typical patient who is an excellent candidate for facelift surgery…

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Facelift Surgery

Facelift Surgery

Lower face and necklift surgery is one of the most rewarding procedures that we perform in our practice. It is often one of the most powerful procedures for restoring a youthful look to the face. The areas of greatest improvement tend to be the neck, the jowls, the cheek, and the nasolabial fold. During a facelift procedure, the bands formed…

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