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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation in Yoga-Pilates Body Types

Breast Augmentation in Yoga-Pilates Body Types

Breast augmentation is a very common procedure in those patients who have a thin body habitus. The most simplified way to explain this are those groups of patients who regularly do yoga and Pilates but who want a small breast augmentation. These patients do not want large augmentations, simply an augmentation to fill the same bra size they are in…

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Trans-axillary Breast Augmentation

Trans-axillary Breast Augmentation

Trans-axillary breast augmentation utilizes the axillae for placement of mammary prosthesis. The procedure is performed with an endoscope that allows visualization of the distal ends of the breast pocket. In general, we tell patients that in order to be a good candidate for trans-axillary breast augmentation, the breasts have to be relatively symmetric to being with. In addition, the breast…

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Lower Back Liposuction in Female Athletes. Liposuction of Flanks, Abdomen, Back, and Bra Fat-Circumferential Liposuction

Lower Back Liposuction in Female Athletes. Liposuction of Flanks, Abdomen, Back, and Bra Fat-Circumferential Liposuction

Liposuction is a common aesthetic procedure. We are all born with deposits of fat that are much more difficult to get rid of than in other areas of our body. Women athletes are quite a disciplined group of individuals who inspire me. Women athletes not only have very busy careers, but also seem to find time to raise a family…

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Breast Augmentation Silicone Gel Implants-Natural Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Silicone Gel Implants-Natural Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common aesthetic procedure performed in our practice. The most commonly used implant is a smooth silicone gel implant. There are several options for the incision choice in breast augmentation with silicone gel implants. The three choices are inframammary crease, periareaolar, and transaxillary. There are different benefits to each incision. It is helpful to select an implant…

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Breast Augmentation and Mastopexy in Breasts with Previous Infections

Breast Augmentation and Mastopexy in Breasts with Previous Infections

There are many occasions when patients acquire infections in their breasts.  This can occur from previous mastitis during breast feeding or from previous galactocele, intraductal papilloma, or previous breast trauma.  When the breast has been previously infected, scarring between the skin and the chest wall can occur. This can cause breast asymmetry and deformity of the breast. If the infections…

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Trans-Axillary Breast Augmentation

Trans-Axillary Breast Augmentation

Trans-Axillary breast augmentation allows implants to be placed through the armpit without a visible scar on the breast or chest wall. Revision of the implant is possible through the same trans-axillary incision but can be challenging. Silicone implants can be placed through the trans-axillary incision, but the volume may be slightly limited. Patient satisfaction is high with the trans-axillary incision.…

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Secondary Mastopexy Augmentation

Secondary Mastopexy Augmentation

Secondary mastopexy augmentation is when a mastopexy augmentation is performed in a previously augmented or operated breast. In these patients it is important to take significant attention to the previous plane of the implant and previous incisions to be able to discern the remaining blood supply to the breast.  In the secondary mastopexy augmentation it is quite common to perform…

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