351 Hospital Rd #415 Newport Beach, CA 92663
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Breast Augmentation Elite Athletes

The elite female athlete, because of her training, often looses a significant portion of breast volume. Restoring that volume with silicone gel breast implants can restore the curves of the body. In the patient with a short nipple to fold distance it is important to select the correct implant to optimize the aesthetic outcome. Typically, the most important objective measure…

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Breast Augmentation Pain Medication Questions

Breast augmentation procedures are quite common and so are questions about pain medication post operatively. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. Q: What type of pain will I have post-operatively and what type of pain medication will I be prescribed? A: Patients often start to feel good after a day or two after surgery. The pain medication…

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Natural Looking Breast Augmentation

Patients often state when they come in for breast augmentation that they would like to have a natural profile and breast profile contour. The contour of the upper pole of the breast can be determined by several factors. The first factor is the amount of volume placed into the breast pocket, relative to the amount of volume that the breast…

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Breast Augmentation and Implant Size Selection

Implant selection can often seem daunting to the patient who is about to undergo breast augmentation. Not only do patients find it difficult to discern among different implant profiles, but also implant volumes. Breast implant volume is described in cubic centimeters or cc’s. A cubic centimeter corresponds to the volume of a cube measuring 1 cm × 1 cm ×…

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Breast Augmentation and Recovery from Surgery

The typical breast augmentation patient in our practice is an athletic professional woman who wants to return to work or exercise soon after surgery. I have found that our patients recover very quickly and with minimal pain and discomfort. Often I find that I have to slow my patients down. Below I have included the post-operative medication and exercise schedule.…

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Breast Augmentation Sizing

The breast augmentation consultation can often bring anxiety to the patient as there are many questions to be addressed or discussed. These variables can range from topics pertaining to the patient (medical conditions, height & weight, bra size, pre-operative breast shape); surgeon (preference for above vs. below the muscle, incision choice); or implant (saline vs. silicone, smooth vs. textured, profile).…

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Breast Augmentation

Q: How long does the the breast augmentation consultation take? A: Approximately one hour.  During that time we listen to the patients’ wants and formulate an effective plan to optimize the surgical outcome. Q: Is there anything I need to do prio to surgery? A: Yes, prior to surgery patients need to see their regular medical doctor to undergo a…

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Breast Augmentation-Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery – What to Expect Patients often ask what they will look like early post-operatively following breast augmentation. I typically tell patients that breast augmentation results take approximately 6 to 12 months to truly be appreciated. However, each patient has a different time period which the breast implants settle into position. Usually patients who have a longer distance…

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Breast Augmentation in Summer

Breast augmentation procedures are very common in the summer months. It’s quite common for women ranging in ages from 21 to 50, who live throughout Southern California to present in our Newport Beach office for consultations between June and August.  One of the reasons women wait until the summer months to schedule a breast augmentation is because recovery times following…

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Capsular Contracture Surgery

It’s widely known that Capsular Contracture can occur in patients who have breast implants. This is the time when patients can choose to remove their saline implants and replace them with silicone implants. Often we discuss with the patient the option to improve the position of the implants at this time. While many reasons contribute to a capsular contracture, I find…

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Rhinoplasty Profile

Our Orange County location affords us the opportunity to assist a variety of patients with Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be used to improve one or more regions of the nose; and, we’ve found that patients seeking out rhinoplasty surgery often wish to improve multiple aspects of their nose; the most common being the nasal dorsum or “dorsal hump”. Another common area…

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Tuberous Breast

Do I have a tuberous breast deformity? The tuberous breast has a typical constellation of recognizable features. The breast base is usually restricted. The areola is wide and there is often a herniation of breast tissue through the areola. The breast is often hypoplastic to various degrees. How is a the tuberous breast deformity corrected? Tuberous breast deformity is best…

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