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Re-contouring the neck is one of the more common aesthetic procedures requested by patients. Of all the areas on the face associated with facial aging, the neck is almost invariably the region that patients would like corrected. As we age, the platysma muscle in the neck becomes more lax. As the muscle becomes more lax, a banding appearance appears on…

Age Limit for Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Age Limit for Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Patients often come into the office and ask how old or how young does someone have to be to have a rejuvenation procedure performed. Patients can be almost any age to undergo facial rejuvenation. I have had patients as young as early twenties undergo some sort of rejuvenation to the neck involving minor repositioning of the vector of the platysmal…

Facelift Surgery in Males

Facelift Surgery in Males

Facelifts in males can be extremely powerful! There are subtle modifications of the facelift technique when performed in males that allow us to maintain a masculine quality of the face while restoring a youthful appearance. Male patients tend to see significant improvements in the lower eyelids following a facelift as now the cheek is restored to it’s natural position. The…

Facelift Surgery 3 Weeks Post Op

Facelift Surgery 3 Weeks Post Op

Facelift surgery is one of the most rewarding surgeries for both the patient and the surgeon. I find that the goal of facelift surgery is to restore the patient to a younger version of themselves. This goal should be accomplished while also avoiding a “done” appearance to the face. The typical patient who is an excellent candidate for facelift surgery…

Facelift Surgery

Facelift Surgery

Lower face and necklift surgery is one of the most rewarding procedures that we perform in our practice. It is often one of the most powerful procedures for restoring a youthful look to the face. The areas of greatest improvement tend to be the neck, the jowls, the cheek, and the nasolabial fold. During a facelift procedure, the bands formed…

Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

Transaxillary breast augmentation is a common procedure at our Newport Beach practice. I typically tell patients that in order to be a good candidate for transaxillary augmentation, the breasts need to be relatively symmetric to begin with. Transaxillary breast augmentation is performed endoscopically, with an endoscope placed through the axillae. The endoscope allows the operative surgeon to gain access to…

Breast Augmentation Elite Athletes

Breast Augmentation Elite Athletes

The elite female athlete, because of her training, often looses a significant portion of breast volume. Restoring that volume with silicone gel breast implants can restore the curves of the body. In the patient with a short nipple to fold distance it is important to select the correct implant to optimize the aesthetic outcome. Typically, the most important objective measure…

Breast Augmentation Pain Medication Questions

Breast Augmentation Pain Medication Questions

Breast augmentation procedures are quite common and so are questions about pain medication post operatively. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. Q: What type of pain will I have post-operatively and what type of pain medication will I be prescribed? A: Patients often start to feel good after a day or two after surgery. The pain medication…

Natural Looking Breast Augmentation

Natural Looking Breast Augmentation

Patients often state when they come in for breast augmentation that they would like to have a natural profile and breast profile contour. The contour of the upper pole of the breast can be determined by several factors. The first factor is the amount of volume placed into the breast pocket, relative to the amount of volume that the breast…

Breast Augmentation and Implant Size Selection

Breast Augmentation and Implant Size Selection

Implant selection can often seem daunting to the patient who is about to undergo breast augmentation. Not only do patients find it difficult to discern among different implant profiles, but also implant volumes. Breast implant volume is described in cubic centimeters or cc’s. A cubic centimeter corresponds to the volume of a cube measuring 1 cm × 1 cm ×…

Breast Augmentation and Recovery from Surgery

Breast Augmentation and Recovery from Surgery

The typical breast augmentation patient in our practice is an athletic professional woman who wants to return to work or exercise soon after surgery. I have found that our patients recover very quickly and with minimal pain and discomfort. Often I find that I have to slow my patients down. Below I have included the post-operative medication and exercise schedule.…

Breast Augmentation Sizing

Breast Augmentation Sizing

The breast augmentation consultation can often bring anxiety to the patient as there are many questions to be addressed or discussed. These variables can range from topics pertaining to the patient (medical conditions, height & weight, bra size, pre-operative breast shape); surgeon (preference for above vs. below the muscle, incision choice); or implant (saline vs. silicone, smooth vs. textured, profile).…
